And so I spread my wings and soar into the blogosphere. It's not like I'm a complete novice. I've read lots of blogs. I owe most of my exposure to Peg, my sistah, my friend, ergo my best sistah-friend, but I'll just call her Peg, like everyone else in blogville. She jumped in quite some time ago, and I like to think I participate, albeit mostly in the background. We bounce topics around, dissect posters and commenters within an inch of their lives sometimes, praise others and wish we could meet them in real life. Then there are the days I'm totally enamoured of the idea of anonymity. Smells like freedom. Pure, unadulterated, no-holds-barred spewing from the deepest recesses of my poor, addled brain. Liberating, cathartic, and let's face it...fun!
So, I guess I should come clean. I actually reserved this blog page some time ago. But I was so boggled by all the super-secret language that I couldn't deal. I suppose if I want to go off on some whiny rant, I could explain that I was still trying to deal with my mom's death, my husband had lost his job of 23 years, I had just become self-employed myself as a rookie realtor, I was trying my damndest to be a sane, if not entirely so, parent to two teenage boys, and I was trying to come to grips with the whole 40 is the new 30 crapola L'Oreal, Olay, Avon, et al, not to mention all the media outlets are trying so f*ing hard to sell. You're only as old as you feel. Well, back then I felt positively mummified. The idea of tackling something that involved html or links or any other foreign concept was simply too much. So I clicked the little red X and got on with putting my life together.
Well, I don't really feel all that whiny today. I'm just pretty excited that I actually am starting to get this stuff. I mean, let's face it, I posted a picture, for God's sake! ME! babe in the blogs that I am.
And, yes, I've figured out how to use italics and bold.
Bored yet? Don't give up on me. I have much to say. I'm just too freaking excited that I've figured this out to get into any specific topics just yet. But ask Peg...she'll tell you. I seldom lack for topics of conversation. I can be bitchy, timely, funny, sometimes all at once. Have faith in Mid-Life Isis--and come back to see me, y'hear?
1 comment:
Hey Sis!
Peg told me you were out here, so I just wanted to post up a welcome.
Welcome to the 'sphere. I'm quite certain you will wow folks with your wit, charm and feisty intellect.
Now, I go to sleep.
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